Notice Board

November News

Posted 16 October 2024

Our November meeting is on the 20th. we will start with a short AGM at 7.15 which will be followed by our speaker

Andrew Mills with a talk entitled “A walk around Blenheim from your armchair”.
We meet in the methodist church hall and the talk starts at 7.30, with light refreshments afterwards.

Visitors are always welcome at £5 or membership is £15 for the season.

Explore here or contact Sandra for more information.

October News

Posted 16 September 2024

As we move into Autumn we are looking forward to our first meeting of the season.
We will meet on Wednesday 16th and our speaker will be Marcel Floyd with a talk about clematis.
We meet in the methodist church hall and speaker starts at 7.30, with coffee afterwards.
Annual subscriptions will be due will be due at £15, new members welcome and visitors at £5 always welcome.

Contact Sandra on for more information

September News

Posted 15 August 2024

We hope you have had a good summer in the garden despite the mixed weather!

We have finalised our talks for the 24/25 indoor meeting and these will begin on

Wednesday, 16 October 2024 with a talk from Marcel Floyd on Clematis.

We have also been invited to help judge the allotments this year and some members have been helping to keep the shrubs around the town hall neat and tidy.

More information on the cnha website.

Free compost bins

Posted 13 July 2024

Tim Praill  has two unneeded plastic compost bins. He will give them to any member who can collect.

Please reply with your contact details using the Contact Form.

June News

Posted 5 June 2024

Following our successful plant sale we are busy putting the finishing touches to our 2024/2025 calendar of speakers.
We are also pleased to be forming links with other gardening clubs such as NOOG, Long Compton and Sibford and our webmaster, Martin, has linked to them here.
We hope you have a summer of fun in your gardens and look forward to welcoming folks back in October.
More information in September's Chippy News or contact Sandra on

May News

Posted 6 May 2024

Our final indoors meeting in April was a lively talk from David Edwards, telling us how the National Garden Scheme started, how Claridges Barn has grown into a lovely garden that raises money towards the National Garden Scheme, and how the money raised helps medical, nursing and caring charities.
We had our appetites wetted and are now looking forward to our visit there in June and hoping for a sunny day full of roses.

Contact Sandra for more information

April News

Posted 9 April 2024

March saw Paul Williams give a very entertaining and informative talk about his time working at Bourton House and how the gardens were designed, built and planted over the years, to become the successful garden it is now.

He also brought along various artefacts for everyone to look at and discuss over a cuppa afterwards.

There is no meeting in May but
we will be holding a plant sale on Saturday May 11th from 9.30 onwards at the front of the Methodist Church.

Contact Sandra on for more information

March News

Posted 7 March 2024

A packed hall in February saw members and visitors, many from the local history society, enjoy a lively and informative talk by Stephen Wass entitled The Enstone Marvels, which made us wish we could go back in time and discover the marvels in their original form.

The talk on Wednesday March 20th will be by Paul Williams: Bourton House Gardens, in the Methodist Hall from 7.30.
The talk on 17th April will be by David Edwards:
The National Garden Scheme- More than Tea & Cakes- how can a garden make money for medical charities.

See our Meetings page or contact Sandra on  for more information

Other Garden Clubs

Posted 26 February 2024

In these times when local clubs are struggling to survive, (sadly the Great Rollright Club has had to close down), we are invited to support other clubs nearby.

On Wednesday 28th February the Long Compton Garden Club have a talk by Robert Longstaff, who along with his wife runs The Oxford Garden Project from their 1.5 acre site in Longworth.
They aim to teach the skills needed to complete the food cycle from 'plot to plate'.
Robert is going to discuss 'Propagation - cuttings, plant division, sowing and composts' based on his experience of organic and 'no dig' gardening. Robert will also have some small succulent plants for sale so please bring some cash if you think you might be tempted!

The Long Compton Garden Club meets in Long Compton Village Hall at 7.30pm (or a few minutes earlier if you'd like a cuppa before the start.

On Wednesday 13th March the Sibford Horticultural Society have a talk byTom Duncan about Mount Stewart, Politics and Plants. This is an extraordinary stately home in Northern Ireland. (They will also be holding a brisk AGM before the talk).

Doors open at Sibford Village Hall at 7.00pm for refreshments and a warm welcome back after the winter break.

The talk will start at 7.30pm.

It would be great if some of our members can attend these talks. I am sure you will be given a warm welcome.

Emma Bayley

February update

Posted 3 February 2024

A cold frosty January evening saw the hall full with members and visitors keen to hear all about bulbs of the Cotswolds and we were not disappointed. Walter Sawyer took us through the year with photographs and handy hints for which bulbs to grow and how to grow them successfully, leavings us full of enthusiasm to get planting and growing.

The talk on Wednesday March 20th will be by Paul Williams: Bourton House Gardens, in the Methodist Hall from 7.30.

Contact Sandra on for more information.
See the Meetings page for details of the talk on 21 February: The Enstone Marvels

New Year News

Posted 7January 2024

The CNHA December meeting was a fun quiz and social evening when everyone brought a plate of food to share.
As we move into the new year we are busy looking forward to a selection of talks and hopefully some drier weather to enjoy our gardens, allotments and visiting other gardens.

The photo shows Paul Embden, chair, presenting Eileen with a planted container as a thank you for all her hard work as secretary over many years.

We look forward to welcoming Sandra as new secretary at our next meeting.

January's meeting will be on Wednesday 17th at 7.30 in the Methodist Hall where Walter Sawyer will talk about Bulbs of the Cotswolds.

A Message from our Secretary

Posted 16 November 2023

Around 50 members and visitors attended the AGM and evening talk of the Chipping Norton Horticultural Association in November. All officers and committee of the association were re-elected and a new secretary Sandra Morris was appointed. Sandra will be taking up the appointment as soon as the hand-over can be arranged. A presentation was made to the retiring secretary by the chairman Paul Embden during the evening.

JezTaylor from Daylesford gave a very enlightening and interesting talk on the organic vegetable gardens at Daylesford - and the work that he and a group of gardeners have to do to maintain enough produce throughout the year, for sale and the guests that visit Daylesford.
Everyone thoroughly enjoyed the evening.

The December Christmas evening on the 13th in the Methodist Church Hall at 7.30 will be a picture quiz evening, followed by Christmas refreshments.

All details of meetings and contact details can be found on this website

A Message from our Secretary

Posted 19 October 2023

The first meeting of the CNHA in October was very wet, but a very good number of regulars, new members and visitors attended to hear Bob Brown give a very interesting talk.

We were all sorry to learn of the passing of one of our number, Wendy Sumners a few weeks ago. She had served on the committee for the past 12 years and was a very faithful and hard worker supporting all we did. She will be greatly missed.

Our next meeting on Wednesday 15th November will start at 7.15 with the AGM followed by our speaker Jez Taylor at 7.30 in the Methodist Hall.
Please support this meeting. Details here or from the secretary on 643275.

A Message from our Secretary

Posted 13 September 2023

The Chipping Norton Horticultural Association will commence their autumn/winter season on Wednesday 18th at 7.30 in the Methodist Church Hall, West Street.
The speaker will be Bob Brown from Badsey - his topic is "Too many plants, too little space."
I think this topic will interest many of us keen gardeners as this tends to be one of our problems!!

We do welcome new members to our monthly meetings, also former members who may like to rejoin.
It's not too late to pay the subscription on the night when you will receive a membership card giving details of future meetings and speakers, also discount at several garden centres in the area when you show your card.

All details on our or from the secretary Eileen Forse on 01608 643275.

A Message from our Secretary

Posted 14 May 2023

The autumn/winter season of the Chipping Norton Horticultural Association concluded in April with a visit from Christine Ramsey from Icomb.
Christine gave a very interesting demonstration on how we can arrange flowers and foliage from our own gardens, using differing shapes and sizes of containers we already have.

During May, on a rather cold but dry Saturday morning, we held a plant sale at the front of the Methodist Church, all plants were raised and collected from members and friends' gardens. The plants were of high quality and sold at reasonable prices - helpers left rather cold but delighted to have raised just over £300 for the association funds.
Very many thanks to all the helpers, suppliers of plants and purchasers for making the morning so successful.

If you have missed renewing your membership, or wish to join, it is not too late. Please make contact with Emma Bayley (membership secretary) or Eileen Forse (secretary 643275) and arrangements can be made.
All details of our next season's programme are here on our website.
Next season's programme starts on Wednesday 18th October with Bob Brown from Badsey as our speaker.

A Message from our Secretary

Posted 11 April 2023

The last meeting of the winter/ spring programme of the Chipping Norton Horticultural Association will take place during April but this doesn't mean that gardeners can "take it easy" - there will still be plenty for us all to do. With a little more sunshine, hopefully during April, and the fact that we had a fair quantity of rain during March, the gardens will be ready for us all to get busy!

If you need more plants for your gardens, why not come and see what "treasures" you can find on our plant stall which we are holding on Saturday 13th May from 9.30 - 12noon outside the Methodist Church in West Street or if you should have spare plants to give away, we will be happy to take them - just let the secretary know, Eileen Forse 01608 643275, and we can arrange transport if necessary.

All details of the 2023/ 24 programme are available to view on here

A Message from our Secretary

Posted 16 March 2023

On a cold and wet March evening, the Chipping Norton Horticultural Association met in the Methodist Church Hall for their penultimate meeting of the autumn/winter season. The speakerwas Richard Harvey from Brockworth. He delighted members and friends with beautiful photographs he had taken, illustrating his talk on "Cotswold and Gloucestershire Gardens,"- as we look forward to the warm, sunny days ahead (we hope!!), when we can explore the countryside around us.

Our next meeting at 7.30 on Wednesday 19th April, Christine Ramsey's (Icomb) talk is entitled
"Sustainable Flower Arranging" - all welcome (including gentlemen!)

Advance notice to all who may have spare plants and enjoy sowing seed or may need plants.
The CNHA are holding a plant sale on Saturday 13th May outside the Methodist Church and would welcome contributions and purchasers - more details next month, on this website or by phoning the secretary Eileen Forse 01608 643275.

A Message from our Secretary

Posted 16 February 2023

Craig Blackwell was the guest speaker at the February meeting of the Chipping Norton Horticultural Association - his topic was Flowers of the Cotswolds. Craig gave a very lively and interesting talk, very much involving the audience in the presentation and showing a large selection of pictures of wild flowers, many found in and around Chippy. The membership and many visitors thoroughlyenjoyed the evening.

The March speaker will be Richard Harvey (Brockworth), his topic will be "Cotswold and Gloucestershire Gardens".

This meeting will be held at 7.30 in the Hall at the Chipping Norton Methodist Church.

At the March/ April meetings we will be collecting the subscriptions of £15 for the coming season, which will run through until the end of September 2024 - this change will bring subscriptions into line with the start of our financial year.

Your membership cards will show this change so you will still be able to use them at garden centres for discounts on some purchases during the summer of 2024.

All details  from the secretary Eileen Forse 01608 643275.

A Message from our Secretary

Posted 19 January 2023

The Chipping Norton Horticultural Association were delighted to welcome a very good number of members, new members and visitors to their January meeting on a rather cold evening.

The speaker, Nick Mottram was very well received as he spoke on "Planning for Nature." He outlined how Oxfordshire is involved in planning for the future and how different areas concerned have to co-operate and work together for the future of our area and the planet.

The theme will be continued at our meeting on Wednesday February 15th at 7.30 in the Chipping Norton Methodist Hall, when Craig Blackwell (C/N) will speak on "Flowers of the Cotswolds."

Visitors welcome - £5 per head

For details see this website
or from the secretary Eileen Forse 643275.

A Message from our Secretary

Posted 17 November 2022

The November meeting of the Chipping Norton Horticultural Association AGM was a very wet evening but we were heartened that so many felt they could support the meeting. All officers and committee members were re-appointed for another year.

Clive Rand was the speaker after the AGM. - this was entitled "The work of the Chipping Norton Green Gym." Showing pictures of some of the work of the group in several areas in and around the town, he outlined the problems that they encounter and they would love to see more people join the team.

Our next meeting will be on Wednesday 14th December at 7.30 in the Methodist Church Hall - the speaker will be a return visit of Rob Jacobs of Chipping Norton - "A year behind the scenes at Waterperry Gardens." Christmas refreshments will be served at the close of the evening.

For more details see this website
or from the secretary Eileen Forse 643275.

A Message from our Secretary

Posted 20 October 2022

The middle of October saw the start of the autumn/winter season for the Chipping Norton Horticultural Association. There was an extremely good turn out, with new members and visitors. It was good to meet back together after a rather frustrating summer, when crops were poor because of the dry weather.

A return visit of Timothy Walker formerly from the Oxford Botanic Gardens, gave a varied and interesting talk, with ideas on how to plan and maintain the borders through the seasons.

Our next meeting will be on Wednesday 16th November in the Methodist Church hall starting at 7.15 with ashort AGM followed by a local speaker, Clive Rand who will speak on "The work of the Chipping Norton Green Gym."

All details can be found on our website
or by phoning the secretary Eileen Forse on 01608 643275

A Message from our Secretary

Posted 14 Septeber 2022

The Chipping Norton Horticultural are looking forward to the start of the autumn/winter programme.
Appropriate with the changing of the season, a return visit of Tim Walker from Oxford's talk will be "Bordering on Insanity -creating an all-year-round border". All meetings are held at the Methodist Church Hall at 7.30 - the first is on Wednesday 19th October. It is not too late for members who have forgotten to renew their membership for this year - £15 p.a. and new members are always welcome, just come along to our first meeting.

The day of our September trip to RHS Wisley, started dull and overcast but as we arrived it turned into a glorious, hot summer's day. Members and friends enjoyed a great day out with all really enjoying the day as they toured the fairly extensive grounds which are in perfect condition and full of a vast collection of trees, shrubs and flowers. A great ending to our summer season.

All details of forthcoming speakers and events can be found here
also pictures and updates of events over the years
or by calling the secretary Eileen Forse 01608 643275.

A Message from our Secretary

Posted 5 August 2022

The planned summer days out continued as planned for the Chipping Norton Horticultural Association - to the NEC for the Gardener's World Live event in June and in July to the National Memorial Arboretum, Alrewas. The weather was perfect for both days and although numbers were down pre-covid - members and friends enjoyed the visits.

On Wednesday September 14th a visit to RHS Wisley is now being booked (at the time of writing a few places remain.)

The autumn/winter programme is in place -
the first meeting is on Wednesday 19th October -
more details next month or see here

or by phoning the secretary, Eileen Forse 643275

A Message from our Secretary

Posted 8 May  2022

The final meeting of the winter season for the Chipping Norton Horticultural Association was a very successful evening.  Numbers were a little on the low side but those who came thoroughly enjoyed the quiz evening led by our chairman Paul Embden.

We held a Plant Sale at the end of April and were delighted with the lovely sunny weather, the quality of plants and the amount we raised.  We thank all who gave plants and those who purchased.

The summer days out are now planned.  Requests for places to the NEC Birmingham to the Gardener's World Live have now closed but there are still places available for July to the National Memorial Arboretum, Alrewas and September to the RHS Wisley.  More details here or by contacting the secretary Eileen Forse on 643275.

A Message from our Secretary

Posted 17 March  2022

Members of the Chipping Norton Horticultural Association were saddened to learn at the start of their March meeting, of the passing of John Grantham who had been our president and a great supporter for over 20 years until his retirement in 2015.  We offer our sympathy to his widow and family.

A good number gathered to hear Victoria Logue from Cheltenham give a very knowledgeable and interesting talk on the "Highs and Lows of Growing Vegetables."

Membership subscriptions for the 2022/23 season are now due and can be paid in April or sent to the membership secretary.  Details of summer day's out are now available.

A very colourful picture quiz evening will be held at the last meeting of the season on 20th April at 7.30 in the Methodist Hall.  A plant sale is planned for Saturday 30th April at the front of the Methodist Church 9.30-12 noon - for association funds.  All details can be found on this website or from the secretary Eileen Forse 643275.

A Message from our Secretary

Posted 17 February  2022

The February meeting of the Chipping Norton Horticultural Association was a wet and very blustery evening as members met to hear the speaker Roger Naumann, to whom we are very grateful as he was able to step-in at short notice.
His talk was entitled "Growing up and working with Organics" - he spoke about his early years growing up on his parents farm - helping with all the tasks and how this led to his interest in horticulture and organics.  

At the March meeting on Wednesday 16th at 7.30 in the Methodist Church lower hall, annual subscriptions of £15 will be collected and new membership cards issued - this entitles the card holder to receive a discount at several Garden Centres.  The speaker at this meeting will be Victoria Logue (Cheltenham) - "Highs and Lows of Growing Vegetables."

To keep abreast of any changes that may have to be made during these difficult months, visit this website or contact the secretary Eileen Forse 643275 for up-to-date information.

A Message from our Secretary

Posted 20 January  2022

The January meeting of the Chipping Norton Horticultural Association was cold and dry with a good number of members present.

At very short notice, John Taylor of Chippy agreed to speak at this meeting on "Snowdrops". We are very grateful to John for stepping in - his presentation was well received - he spoke on the difference in the varieties, height of the plants and the formation of the flowers - he had learnt a lot about snowdrops from his late father-in-law.

Our next meeting will be on Wednesday 16th February in the Lower Hall of the Methodist Church.  Due to Covid, we are experiencing speakers having to cancel their visits to us - at the moment we cannot say who the speaker will be but come along, we will still be holding our usual meeting.  When known, we will add the details here
Or contact the secretary Eileen Forse 643275.